perm filename HAW.DOC[AM,DBL]1 blob sn#259137 filedate 1977-01-24 generic text, type T, neo UTF8
Here is my paper for the Rule-based Inference conference.  The format
is close to -- but not absolutely identical to -- the one recommended
in Waterman and Hayes-Roth's memo.

To denote ITALICS, we use the notation &i[I am italicised!!].
To denote underlining, we say &u[I'm underlined.].

That  is,  ampersand, followed by "i" or "u", followed by the text in
square brackets. Please  note  that  this  paper  appears  very  long
because  it is in fixed-width font; the XGP version is of course much
more compact.   The  name  of  this  file  is  HAW.DOC[c380dl22],  on

I  am in the  process of finalizing  the design of  the new discovery
program (the successor to AM),  so any feedback which you have to the
paper would be very welcome.

  --  Doug Lenat


                        &i[Designing a Rule System That
                      Searches for Scientific Discoveries]

                              &i[Douglas B. Lenat
                                Gregory  Harris]

                         &i[Computer Science Department
                           Carnegie-Mellon University
                             Pittsburgh, Pa. 15213]

                         DRAFT   (&i[January 15, 1977])

     This  work was  supported  in part  by the  Defense  Advanced Research
     Projects  Agency (F44620-73-C-0074)  and  monitored by  the  Air Force
     Office of Scientific Research.

Lenat & Harris                                                             p.  i

&i[1.  The Basic Argument]                                                     1

&i[2.  Early Design Constraints]                                               3

&i[3.  &u[`AM']: A Rule System For Math Theory Formation]                      5
&i[3.1.]  Discovery in Mathematics as Heuristic Rule-Guided Search             6
&i[3.2.]  Representation of Mathematical Knowledge                             7
&i[3.3.]  Top-level Control: An Agenda of Promising Questions                  8
&i[3.4.]  Low-level Control: A Lattice of Heuristic Rules                     11
&i[3.5.]  Behavior of this Rule System                                        13

&i[4.  Reexamining the Design]                                                17
&i[4.1.]  Data Structures                                                     17
&i[4.2.]  Rules                                                               22
&i[4.3.]  Distribution of Knowledge Between Rules and DS                      27
&i[4.4.]  Interpreter                                                         30

&i[5.  Speculations for a New Discovery System]                               31
&i[5.1.]  A New Set of Design Constraints                                     32



     Some   scientific   inference   tasks   (including   mass  spectrum
     identification  [Dendral],  medical  diagnosis  [Mycin],  and  math
     theory development  [AM]) have been  sucessfully modelled  as rule-
     directed search processes.   These rule systems are  designed quite
     differently from "pure  production systems". By  concentrating upon
     the  design of  one program  (AM), we  shall show  how 12  kinds of
     design deviations arise from (&i[i]) the level of sophistication of
     the  task which  the system  is designed  to perform,  (&i[ii]) the
     inherent nature of the task, and (&i[iii]) the  designer's &i[view]
     of  the task.   The  limitations of  AM suggest  even  more radical
     departures from  traditional rule  system architecture.   All these
     modifications are  then collected  into a  new, complicated  set of
     constraints  on the  form of  the data  structures, the  rules, the
     interpreter, and  the distribution of  knowledge between  rules and
     data structures.   These new policies  sacrifice uniformity  in the
     interests  of  clarity,  efficiency  and  power  derivable  from  a
     thorough  characterization  of   the  task.   Rule   systems  whose
     architectures conform  to the  new design  principles will  be more
     awkward for  many tasks than  would "pure"  systems.  Nevertheless,
     the  new architecture  should  be significantly  more  powerful and
     natural  for building  rule  systems that  do  scientific discovery

Lenat & Harris                                                             p.  1

1.  The Basic Argument

Although  rule-based  computation was  originally  used for  formal  and systems

purposes [Post,Markov,Floyd], researchers in Artificial Intelligence  (AI) found

that  the same  methodology was  also  useful for  modelling a  wide  variety of

sophisticated  tasks.  Many  of  these early  AI rule-based  programs  -- called

"production  systems"  --  served as  information  processing  models  of humans

performing cognitive tasks (digit recall [19], algebra word problem solving [1],

poker playing [23], etc. [16,18]).

There were  many design constraints  present in the  original formal  rule based

systems.  Many of these details  were preserved in the AI production  rule based

programs (e.g., forcing all state  information into a single string  of tokens).

But there were many changes. The whole notion of "what a rule system  really is"

changed from an effective problem statement to a tendency to solve problems in a

particular way.  One typical corollary  of this change of view was  that instead

of &i[no] external  inputs whatsoever, there was  now a &i[presumption]  of some

"environment" which supplied new entries  into the token sequence.  In  the next

section, in the  box, is an articulation  of these traditional (i.e.,  early) AI

principles for designing "pure" [7] production systems.

Due  to  the   early  successes,  psychological  applicability,   and  aesthetic

simplicity afforded by  production systems, AI  researchers began to  write rule

systems  (RSs)  to perform  informal  inductive inference  tasks  (mass spectrum

identification [4], medical diagnosis [23] and consultation dialogue [6], speech

understanding [14], non-resolution theorem proving [0], math research  [13], and

many more).

Lenat & Harris                                                             p.  2

Yet it seems that  most of the large, successful  RSs have violated many  of the

"pure production system" guidelines.  The purpose of this paper is to  show that

such  "exceptions" were  inevitable, because  the early  design  constraints are

naive (with respect to their use)     .

The essence of the  naive architecture is to  opt for simplicity in  all things,

since there is very  little one can say about  RSs in general.  As  more becomes

known about the  task of the RS,  it turns out that  some of that  new knowledge

takes  the form  of specific  constraints on  the design  of the  RS  itself (as

distinct  from  what  specific  knowledge we  choose  to  represent  within that

design).  Sometimes  a new  constraint directly  contradicts the  early, domain-

independent one; sometimes it is  merely a softening or augmentation of  the old


After examining the "pure" architecture,  we shall examine in detail  the design

of one particular rule system which discovers and studies mathematical concepts.

Deviations from the pure architecture will be both frequent and extreme.

Subsequent sections will analyze these differences.  It will be shown  that each

one is plausible -- usually for reasons which depend strongly on the "scientific

discovery" domain of the RS. Some of the limitations of this RS will be treated,

and  their elimination  will be  seen to  require abandoning  still more  of the

original design constraints.

  That is, each  statement is &u[not] naive  with respect to its  invention, nor
its  initial uses.  Rather,  its limitations  have only  recently  emerged, when
trying to apply it to more complex tasks.

Lenat & Harris                                                             p.  3

When these modifications  are collected, in the  final section, we shall  have a

quite different set of principles for building RSs.  Not only will  naivete have

been lost: so will generality (the breadth of kinds of  knowledge representable,

the totality  of tractable tasks).   Rule systems conforming  to the  new design

will be  awkward for  many tasks.   However, they  should be  significantly more

powerful and natural for scientific inference tasks.

2.  Early Design Constraints

By  a &i[rule  system] (RS)  we shall  mean any  collection  of condition-action

&i[rules],  together  with  associated  &i[data  structures]  (DS;  also  called

&i[memories])  which the  rules may  inspect and  alter.  There  must also  be a

policy for &i[interpretation]: detecting and firing relevant rules.

These definitions are deliberately  left vague.  Many details must  be specified

for any actual  rule system (e.g.,  What may appear in  the condition part  of a

rule?). This specification process is what we mean by &i[designing] a RS.

In the box below is an  articulation of the design of the  early general-purpose

AI production rule systems.  Notice the common theme: the adequacy of simplicity

in all dimensions.

                    FIGURE 1: Early Rule System Architecture

       [1. ]Principle  of  Simple  Memories.   One  or  two  uniform data
         structures define  sufficient memories for  a rule system  to read
         from and write into. The format for entries in these structures is
         both uncomplicated and unchanging.

       [2. ]Principle  of Simple  DS  Accesses.  The  primitive  read and
         write  operations  are  as  simple  and  low-level   as  possible;
         typically they are simply  a membership-test type of read,  and an

Lenat & Harris                                                             p.  4

         insert-new-element type  of write.  More  complicated, algorithmic
         operations on the memories are not available to the rules.

       [3. ]Principle of Isolated  DS Elements.  Elements of  the uniform
         DS cannot point to (parts of) other elements.  This is the dual of
         the  preceding  principle:  if  we  aren't  allowed  to  &u[chase]
         pointers, there may as well not be any.

       [4. ]Principle of Continuous Attention. In addition to the  one or
         two simple data structures,  there may be an  external environment
         which continuously inserts stimuli into the DS.   The interleaving
         of  stimuli  and  internally generated  symbols  is  managed quite
         trivially: (a) The stimuli are simply inserted into the DS  as new
         elements;  (b)  Each   rule  is  so   small  and  quick   that  no
         "interruption" mechanism is necessary.  The interpreter may ignore
         any  suddenly-added  stimulus  until  the  current  rule  finishes
         executing.  The  RS may be  viewed as "continuously"  attending to
         the environment.

       [5. ]Principle  of Opaque  Rules.  Rules  need not  have  a format
         inspectable by other  rules, but rather  can be coded  in whatever
         way is  convenient for  the programmer  and the  rule interpreter;
         i.e., the set of rules is  &u[not] treated as one of the  RSs data
         structures.  E.g., the condition parts of rules may be barred from
         fully analyzing the set of productions [22], and the  action parts
         of rules may not be allowed to delete existing rules [24].

       [6. ]Principle of Simple  Rules.  Rules consist  of a left-  and a
         right-hand side  which are  quite elementary:  The left  hand side
         (lhs, situation characterization, IF-part, condition) is typically
         a pattern-match composed with a primitive DS read access,  and the
         right  hand side  (rhs,  consequence, THEN-part,  action)  is also
         simply  a  primitive  DS  write  access.   There  is  no  need for
         sophisticated bundles  of DS  accesses on either  side of  a rule.
         Thus several extra rules should be preferred to a single rule with
         several actions.

       [7. ]Principle  of Encoding  by  Coupled Rules.   A  collection of
         interrelated  rules  is  used to  accomplish  each  subtask; i.e.,
         wherever a  subroutine would be  used in a  procedural programming
         language.  For example, programming an iteration may  require many
         rules "coupled"  by writing and  reading special  (i.e., otherwise
         meaningless) loop control notes in the data structure.

       [8. ]Principle of Knowledge as Rules.  All knowledge  of substance
         should be, can be, and is represented as rules.  This includes all
         non-trivial domain-dependent information.   The role of the  DS is
         just to hold simple descriptive information,  intermediate control
         state messages, recent stimuli from the environment, etc.

Lenat & Harris                                                             p.  5

       [9. ]Principle of Simple Interpretation. The topmost  control flow
         in the RS is via  a simple rule interpreter.  After a  rule fires,
         it is essential that any rule in the system may potentially be the
         next  one  to fire  (i.e.,  it is  forbidden  to locate  a  set of
         relevant rules and fire them off in sequence).

       [10. ]Principle of Closure.  The representations allowed  by (1-8)
         are sufficient  and appropriate  for organizing  all the  kinds of
         knowledge needed for tasks for which RSs are designed.

This design was  plausible &i[a priori], and  worked quite well for  its initial

applications (the  simulation of simple  human cognitive  processes [16,19,24]).

But is this design proper for  &i[any] RS, regardless of its intended  task?  In

particular,  what about  scientific inference  tasks?  Over  the  years, several

rule-based inference  systems for scientific  tasks have been  constructed. With

each new success have come  some deviations from the above principles  [7]. Were

these  mere aberrations,  or is  there  some valid  reason for  such  changes in


We claim the latter.  The task domain -- scientific discovery -- dictates  a new

and quite  different architecture for  RSs. To study  this phenomenon,  we shall

describe, in the next section, one particular RS which defines  new mathematical

concepts, studies them,  and conjectures relationships between  them. Subsequent

sections will explore the deviations  of its design from the  "pure" constraints

in the box above.

3.  &u[`AM']: A Rule System For Math Theory Formation

A recent thesis [13] describes a program, called "AM", which gradually expands a

base of mathematical  knowledge.  The representation  of math facts  is somewhat

Lenat & Harris                                                             p.  6

related  to Actors  [10] and  Beings  [12] in  the partitioning  of  such domain

knowledge into  effective, structured modules.   Departing from  the traditional

control structures usually associated  with Actors, Beings, and Frames  [15], AM

concentrates on  one "interesting" mini-research  question after  another. These

"jobs" are proposed by -- and rated by -- a collection of around  250 situation-

action  rules.  Discovery  in mathematics  is modelled  in AM  as  a rule-guided

exploration process.   This view is  explained below in  Section 3.1  (See also,

[21].) The representation of knowledge is sketched next, followed by a much more

detailed description  of the  rule-based control structure  of AM.   Finally, in

Section 3.5, the experimental results of the project are summarized.

3.1.  Discovery in Mathematics as Heuristic Rule-Guided Search

The task  which AM  performs is the  discovery of  new mathematics  concepts and

relationships between them.  The simple paradigm it follows for this task  is to

maintain a graph of partially-developed concepts, and to obey a large collection

of "heuristics" (rules which frequently  lead to discoveries) which guide  it to

define and study the most plausible thing next.

For example, at one point AM had some notions of sets,  set-operations, numbers,

and  simple  arithmetic.  One  heuristic  rule  it  knew  said  &i["If  f  is an

interesting relation, Then look at its inverse"].  This rule fired after  AM had

studied "multiplication" for a  while. The rhs of  the rule then directed  AM to

define   and  study   the  relation   "divisors-of"  (e.g.,   divisors-of(12)  =

{1,2,3,4,6,12⎇).  Another heuristic  rule which later fired  said &i["If f  is a

relation from A into B, then  it's worth examining those members of A  which map

Lenat & Harris                                                             p.  7

into &u[extremal] members of B"].  In this case, f was matched to "divisors-of",

A was "numbers", B was "sets of numbers", and an extremal member of B  might be,

e.g., a very &i[small]  set of numbers.  Thus  this heuristic rule caused  AM to

define the  set of  numbers with  no divisors, the  set of  numbers with  only 1

divisor, with only 2 divisors, etc.  One of these sets (the last  one mentioned)

turned out subsequently to be  quite important; these numbers are of  course the

primes.   The  above heuristic  also  directed  AM to  study  numbers  with very

&i[many]  divisors;  such  highly-composite  numbers  were  also  found   to  be


This  same  paradigm  enabled  AM to  discover  concepts  which  were  much more

primitive (e.g., cardinality) and much more sophisticated (e.g., the fundamental

theorem of arithmetic) than prime numbers.  We shall now describe the AM program

in more detail.

3.2.  Representation of Mathematical Knowledge

What exactly does it  mean for AM to "have  the notion of" a concept?   It means

that AM possesses  a frame-like data structure  for that concept.  For instance,

here is how one concept looked after AM had defined and explored it:

Lenat & Harris                                                             p.  8

                          FIGURE 2: A Typical Concept

    NAME: Prime Numbers
               ORIGIN: Number-of-divisors-of(x) = 2
               PREDICATE-CALCULUS: Prime(x) ≡ (Forall z)(z|x implies  z=1 xor z=x)
               ITERATIVE: (for x>1): For i from 2 to Sqrt(x), ¬(i|x)
    EXAMPLES: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17
               BOUNDARY: 2, 3
               BOUNDARY-FAILURES: 0, 1
               FAILURES: 12
    GENERALIZATIONS: Numbers, Numbers with an even number of divisors,
                               Numbers with a prime number of divisors
    SPECIALIZATIONS: Odd Primes, Prime Pairs, Prime Uniquely-addables
    CONJECS: Unique factorization, Goldbach's conjecture, Extrema of Divisors-of
               Maximally-divisible numbers are converse extremes of Divisors-of
               Factor a group into simple groups
    INTEREST: Conjectures tying Primes to Times, to Divisors-of, to closely
               related operations.
    WORTH: 800

3.3.  Top-level Control: An Agenda of Promising Questions

AM is initially given a collection of 115 core concepts, with only a  few facets

(i.e.,  slots) filled  in for  each. AM  repeatedly chooses  some facet  of some

concept, and tries to fill in some entries for that particular slot.   To decide

which such job  to work on  next, AM maintains an  &i[agenda] of jobs,  a global

queue  ordered  by priority  [2].   A  typical job  is  &i["Fill-in  examples of

Primes"].  The agenda  may contain  hundreds of  entries such  as this  one.  AM

repeatedly selects the top job from the agenda and tries to carry it  out.  This

is the whole control structure! Of course, we must still explain how  AM creates

plausible new jobs to place on the agenda, how AM decides which job will  be the

best one to execute next, and how it carries out a job.

If the job were &i["Fill in new Algorithms for Set-union"],  then &i[satisfying]

Lenat & Harris                                                             p.  9

it would  mean actually  synthesizing some  new procedures,  some new  LISP code

capable of forming the union of any two sets.  A heuristic rule  is &i[relevant]

to  a job  iff executing  that rule  brings AM  closer to  satisfying  that job.

Potential relevance is  determined &i[a priori] by  where the rule is  stored. A

rule tacked onto the Domain/range facet of the Compose concept would be presumed

potentially relevant to the job &i["Fill in the Domain of Insert-]o&i[-Delete"].

The lhs of each potentially relevant rule is evaluated to determine  whether the

rule is truly relevant.

Once a job is  chosen from the agenda,  AM gathers together all  the potentially

relevant heuristic rules -- the ones which might accomplish that job.   They are

executed, and then AM picks a  new job.  While a rule is executing,  three kinds

of actions or effects can occur:

(&i[i]) Facets of some concepts can get filled in (e.g., examples of  primes may
    actually  be found  and tacked  onto the  "Examples" facet  of  the "Primes"
    concept).  A typical heuristic rule which might have this effect is:

        If examples  of X are  desired, where X  is a kind  of Y (for  some more
                general concept Y),
        Then check the examples of Y; some of them may be examples of X as well.

    For the job of filling in examples of Primes, this rule would have AM notice
    that Primes  is a  kind of  Number, and  therefore look  over all  the known
    examples of Number. Some of those would be primes, and would  be transferred
    to the Examples facet of Primes.

(&i[ii])  New concepts  may  be created  (e.g.,  the concept  "primes  which are
    uniquely representable  as the sum  of two other  primes" may be  somehow be
    deemed worth studying).  A typical heuristic rule which might result in this
    new concept is:

        If some (but not  most) examples of X are  also examples of Y  (for some
                concept Y),
        Then  create  a new  concept  defined  as the  intersection  of  those 2
                concepts (X and Y).

    Suppose AM has  already isolated the concept  of being representable  as the

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  10

    sum of two primes in only one way (AM actually calls such numbers "Uniquely-
    prime-addable numbers").  When AM notices that some primes are in  this set,
    the  above rule  will create  a brand  new concept,  defined as  the  set of
    numbers which are both prime and uniquely prime addable.

(&i[iii]) New jobs may  be added to the  agenda (e.g., the current  activity may
    suggest that the following job is worth considering: "Generalize the concept
    of prime numbers").  A typical  heuristic rule which might have  this effect

        If very few examples of X are found,
        Then add the following job to the agenda: "Generalize the concept X".

The concept of an agenda is certainly not new: schedulers have been around for a

long time.  But one important feature  of AM's agenda scheme &i[is] a  new idea:

attaching -- and  using -- a  list of quasi-symbolic  reasons to each  job which

explain  why  the job  is  worth considering,  why  it's plausible.   It  is the

responsibility  of the  heuristic rules  to include  reasons for  any  jobs they

propose. For example, let's reconsider the heuristic rule mentioned in (&i[iii])

above.  It really looks more like the following:

        If very few examples of X are found,
        Then  add  the  following job  to  the  agenda:  "Generalize the
                concept  X", for  the following  reason: "X's  are quite
                rare; a slightly less restrictive concept might  be more

If the same job is proposed by several rules, then several different reasons for

it may  be present.  In  addition, one ephemeral  reason also exists:  "Focus of

attention" [9]. Any jobs which are  related to the one last executed  get "Focus

of attention" as  a bonus reason.   AM uses all these  reasons to decide  how to

rank the jobs on  the agenda.  Each reason is  given a rating (by  the heuristic

which proposed it), and the ratings are combined into an overall priority rating

for each  job on the  agenda. The jobs  are ordered by  these ratings, so  it is

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  11

trivial to select the job with the highest rating. Note that if a job already on

the agenda is re-proposed for a new reason, then its priority will  increase. If

the  job is  re-proposed  for an  already-present reason,  however,  the overall

rating of  the job will  &i[not] increase.  This turned out  to be  an important

enough  phenomenon  that  it  was  presented  in  [13]  as  a  necessary  design


AM uses each job's list of reasons in other ways. Once a job has  been selected,

the quality of  the reasons is used  to decide how much  time and space  the job

will be permitted to absorb, before AM quits and moves on to a new job.  Another

use is to explain  to the human observer precisely  why the chosen top job  is a

plausible thing for AM to concentrate upon.

3.4.  Low-level Control: A Lattice of Heuristic Rules

The hundreds of concepts AM  possesses are interrelated in many ways.   One main

organization is that provided by their Generalization and Specialization facets.

The concepts may be viewed as nodes on a large lattice whose edges  are labelled

Genl/Spec.   The   importance   of   this   organization   stems   from  various

&i[heritability]  properties.    For  example,  Spec   is  transitive,   so  the

specializations   of  Numbers   include  not   only  Primes   but   all  &i[its]

specializations as well.

Let us describe a second, very important heritability property.  Each of the 250

heuristic rules  is attached  to the most  general (or  abstract) concept  it is

deemed  appropriate for.  The  relevance of  heuristic  rules is  assumed  to be

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  12

inherited by all its specializations.  For example, a heuristic method  which is

capable of inverting  any function will be  attached to the  concept "Function";

but it is certainly also capable  of inverting any permutation. If there  are no

known methods specific  to the latter  job, then AM  will follow the  Genl links

upward  from  Permutation  to  Bijection  to  Function...,  seeking  methods for

inversion.  Of course the more general concepts' methods tend to be  weaker than

those of the specific concepts.

In other words, the Genl/Spec  graph of concepts induces a graph  structure upon

the  set of  heuristic  rules. This  permits  potentially relevant  rules  to be

located efficiently. Here is one more example of how this heritability  works in

practice:  Immediately  after the  job  "Fill in  examples  of  Set-equality" is

chosen, AM asks each generalization  of Set-equality for help. Thus it  asks for

ways  to fill  in examples  of  any Predicate,  any Activity,  any  Concept, and

finally for ways to fill in examples of Anything.  One such heuristic rule known

to the Activity concept  says: &i["If examples of  the domain of the  activity f

are  already  known, Then  actually  execute f  on  some random  members  of its

domain."]  Thus  to  fill  in examples  of  Set-equality,  its  domain  facet is

inspected,  and AM  sees it  takes  a pair  of sets  as its  arguments.  Then AM

accesses the Examples facet of the  concept Set, where it finds a large  list of

sets. The lhs is  thus satisfied, so the  rule is fired.  Obeying  the heuristic

rule, AM repeatedly picks a pair of  the known sets at random, and sees  if they

satisfy  Set-equality  (by actually  running  the LISP  function  stored  in the

Algorithms facet of Set-equality).   While this will typically return  False, it

will occasionally locate -- by random chance -- a pair of equal sets.

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  13

Other  heuristics, tacked  onto other  generalizations of  Set-equality, provide

additional methods for executing the  job "Fill in examples of  Set-equality." A

heuristic stored on the concept Any-concept says to symbolically instantiate the

definition. After  spending much time  manipulating the recursive  definition of

Set-equality, a few trivial examples (like {⎇={⎇) are produced.  Notice that (as

expected) the more general the concept is, the weaker (more time-consuming, less

chance for  success) its heuristics  tend to be.   For this reason,  AM consults

each concept's rules in order of increasing generalization.

3.5.  Behavior of this Rule System

As  the preceding  four sections  indicate, the  dynamic behavior  of AM  was as

follows: a job is chosen from the agenda, potentially relevant rules are located

by their  position in  the Genl/Spec  lattice, their  lhs (left-hand  sides) are

evaluated to find those which actually trigger, they are then executed (in order

of decreasing specificity) until they are all executed (or until some &i[local],

self-imposed limit on time or space is exceded), and the cycle repeats. AM has a

modest facility that prints out a description of these activities as they occur.

Here is a tiny excerpt of this self-trace monologue.

** &u[Job 65:] **   Fill in Examples of the concept "Divisors-of".

    3 Reasons: (1) No known examples of Divisors-of so far.
             (2) TIMES, which is related to Divisors-of, is now very interesting.
             (3) Focus of attention: AM recently defined Divisors-of.

26 examples found, in 9.2 seconds. e.g., Divisors-of(6)={1 2 3 6⎇.

** &u[Job 66:] **  Consider numbers having small sets of Divisors-of.

    2 Reasons: (1) Worthwhile to look for extreme cases.
             (2) Focus of attention: AM recently worked on Divisors-of.

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  14

Filling in examples of numbers with 0 divisors.
   0 examples found, in 4.0 seconds.
   Conjecture: no numbers have precisely 0 divisors.

Filling in examples of numbers with 1 divisors.
   1 examples found, in 4.0 seconds. e.g., Divisors-of(1) = {1⎇.
   Conjecture: 1 is the only number with precisely 1 divisor.

Filling in examples of numbers with 2 divisors.
   24 examples found, in 4.0 seconds. e.g., Divisors-of(13) = {1 13⎇.
   No obvious conjecture. May merit more study.
   Creating a new concept: "Numbers-with-2-divisors".

Filling in examples of numbers with 3 divisors.
   11 examples found, in 4.0 seconds. e.g., Divisors-of(49) = {1 7 49⎇.
   All numbers with 3 divisors are also Squares. Definitely merits more study.
   Creating a new concept: "Numbers-with-3-divisors".

** &u[Job 67:] **  Consider the square-roots of Numbers-with-3-divisors.

    2 Reasons: (1) Numbers-with-3-divisors are unexpectedly also Perfect Squares.
             (2) Focus of attention: AM recently worked on Nos-with-3-divisors.

   All square-roots of Numbers-with-3-divisors seem to be Numbers-with-2-divisors.
        e.g.,  Divisors-of(Square-root(169)) = Divisors-of(13) = {1 13⎇.
   Even the converse of this seems empirically to be true.
        i.e.,  the square of each No-with-2-divisors seems to be a No-with-3-divs.
        The chance of coincidence is below acceptable limits.
   Boosting the interestingness rating of each of the concepts involved.

** &u[Job 68:] **  Consider the squares of Numbers-with-3-divisors.

    3 Reasons: (1) Squares of Numbers-with-2-divisors were interesting.
             (2) Square-roots of Numbers-with-3-divisors were interesting.
             (3) Focus of attention: AM recently worked on Nos-with-3-divisors.

Now that we've  seen how AM works,  and we've been exposed  to a bit  of "local"

results, let's take a moment to discuss the totality of the mathematics which AM

carried out.   AM began its  investigations with scanty  knowledge of  a hundred

elementary  concepts of  finite set  theory. Most  of the  obvious set-theoretic

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  15

concepts  and  relationships  were  quickly  found  (e.g.,  de   Morgan's  laws;

singletons),   but   no  sophisticated   set   theory  was   ever   done  (e.g.,

diagonalization). Rather, AM discovered  natural numbers and went  off exploring

elementary number theory.  Arithmetic operations were soon found (as  analogs to

set-theoretic  operations),  and  AM made  surprising  progress  in divisibility

theory. Prime pairs, Diophantine equations, the unique factorization  of numbers

into primes, Goldbach's conjecture -- these were some of the nice discoveries by

AM. Many  concepts which we  know to be  crucial were never  uncovered, however:

remainder      , gcd, infinity, proof, greater-than, etc.

All  the  discoveries  mentioned  were  made  in  a  run  lasting  one  cpu hour

(Interlisp+100k, SUMEX PDP-10 KI). Two  hundred jobs in toto were  selected from

the agenda and executed. On the  average, a job was granted 30 cpu  seconds, but

actually used only 18 seconds.  For  a typical job, about 35 rules  were located

as potentially  relevant, and about  a dozen actually  fired. AM began  with 115

concepts and ended up with three times that many.  Of the  synthesized concepts,

half were technically termed "losers" (both  by the author and by AM),  and half

the remaining ones were of only marginal interest.

Although AM fared  well according to  several different measures  of performance

(see Section  7.1 in  [13]), of greatest  significance are  its &i[limitations].

This  subsection will  merely report  them, and  the next  section  will analyze

  This  concept,  and  many  of  the  other  "omissions",  &u[could]  have  been
discovered by  the existing heuristic  rules in AM.  The paths which  would have
resulted in their definition were simply never rated high enough to explore.

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  16

whether they were caused by radical departures from the  naive production-system

architecture, or from departing not far enough from that early design.

As AM ran longer  and longer, the concepts  it defined were further  and further

from  the  primitives  it  began with.  Thus  "prime-pairs"  were  defined using

"primes" and  "addition", the  former of which  was defined  from "divisors-of",

which in turn came from "multiplication", which arose from "addition", which was

defined as a  restriction of "union", which  (finally!) was a  primitive concept

(with heuristics)  that we had  supplied to AM  initially. When  AM subsequently

needed help with prime pairs, it  was forced to rely on rules of  thumb supplied

originally about &i[union]ing. Although the heritability property  of heuristics

did ensure that those rules were still valid, the trouble was that they were too

general, too weak to deal effectively with the specialized notions of primes and

arithmetic.  For instance, one  general rule indicated that  A union B  would be

interesting  if it  possessed properties  absent both  from A  and from  B. This

translated into the prime-pair case as "&i[If p+q=r, and p,q,r are  primes, Then

r is interesting if it has properties  not possessed by p or by q.]"  The search

for categories of such interesting primes &i[r] was of course barren.  It showed

a fundamental lack of understanding about numbers, addition,  odd/even-ness, and


As the derived concepts moved further away from finite set theory,  the efficacy

of the initial  heuristics decreased.  AM began  to "thrash", appearing  to lose

most of  its heuristic  guidance. It  worked on  concepts like  "prime triples",

which is not a  rational thing to investigate.   The key deficiency was  that of

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  17

adequate &i[meta]-rules[6]: heuristics which cause the creation and modification

of new heuristics.

Aside from the preceding major limitation, most of the other problems pertain to

missing knowledge. Many concepts one  might consider basic to discovery  in math

are  absent  from  AM; analogies  were  under-utilized;  physical  intuition was

absent; the interface to the user was far from ideal; etc.

4.  Reexamining the Design

Let us now  consider the major  components of a RS's  design and how  AM treated

them: the DS, the rules, the distribution of knowledge between DS and rules, and

the rule interpretation policy.  For each component, AM's architecture failed to

adhere strictly to the pure RS guidelines.  Were these departures worth the loss

of  simplicity?  Were  the  deviations  due  to  the  task   domain  (scientific

discovery),  to  the  task  view  (heuristically  guided  growth  of  structured

theories),  or to  other sources?   These are  the kinds  of questions  we shall

address in each of the following subsections.

4.1.  Data Structures

We recognize that a single uniform DS (e.g., an infinite STM [19])  is universal

in  the  Turing  sense  of  being  &i[formally]  adequate:  One  can  encode any

representation  in a  linear, homogeneous  DS.  The  completeness of  such  a DS

design not withstanding, we believe that encouraging several  distinct, special-

purpose DSs will enhance the performance of a discovery system.  That is, we are

willing to sacrifice aesthetic purity of DSs for clarity, efficiency, and power.

In this section we will explore this tradeoff.

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  18

The data structures used in AM are unlike the uniform memories suggested  by the

first design constraint (see Fig. 1).  One DS -- the agenda -- holds  an ordered

list of plausible questions for the system to concentrate on, a list of  jobs to

work on.   Another DS is  the graph  of concepts AM  knows about.   Each concept

itself  consists  in much  structured  information (see  Fig.  2).   Still other

information is present as values of certain functions and global  variables: the

cpu clock, the total number of  concepts, the last thing typed out to  the user,

etc.  All these types of information are accessed by the lhs's (left hand sides)

of heuristic rules, and affected by rhs's.

Why is there this multitude of  diverse DSs? Each type of knowledge  (jobs, math

knowledge,  system status)  needs to  be treated  quite differently.   Since the

primitive operations will vary with  the type of information, so should  the DS.

For &u[jobs], the primitive kinds of accesses will be: picking the highest-rated

one,  reordering one,  deleting  the lowest-rated  one, merging  new  entries. A

natural choice to make these operations efficient is to keep the  system's goals

in a queue  ordered by their rating  or partially-ordered by those  ratings that

are commensurable.  For  &u[resource information], like  the amount of  cpu time

used  so far,  it is  much more  natural to  "read"  an implementation-dependent

measure of time or space used or number of concepts created than to periodically

add notes ("cpu time is now  37.4") to a uniform memory. For  &u[math concepts],

we have a much less volatile situation. We view them as an ever-growing  body of

highly-interrelated facts. Knowledge in this form is stable and  rarely deleted.

When new knowledge is added, a great many "routine" inferences must be drawn. In

a  uniform,  linear  memory,  each  would have  to  be  drawn  explicitly;  in a

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  19

structured  one  (as  the  Genl/Spec  graph  structure  provides)  they  may  be

accomplished   through   the   tacit   (analogical)   characteristics   of   the

representation, simply by deciding &i[where] to place the information.

Each  kind  of  knowledge  dictates a  set  of  appropriate  kinds  of primitive

operations to be performed on it, which in turn suggest natural  data structures

in which to realize it. The generality of this perspective on rule-based systems

is made  more plausible by  examining other  RSs which deal  with many  types of

knowledge (e.g., [5]).  If this is so, if the design procedes from `knowledge to

be represented' to `a data  structure to hold it', then fixing  the capabilities

of DS access primitives &i[a priori] is suspect.

Therefore, we advocate the opposite: the RS designer is encouraged to name every

combination of "machine" operations  that together comprise a  single conceptual

access of data by rules.  In AM, it is quite reasonable to expect that a request

like "find  all generalizations of  a given concept"  would be such  a primitive

(i.e., could be referred to by name).  Even though it might cause  the "machine"

(in this case, LISP) to run around the Genl/Spec graph, a single rule  can treat

this as merely an "access" operation.   The use of complex tests and  actions is

not new; we simply claim  that it is &i[always] preferable to  package knowledge

(for which a reasonably fast algorithm is available) as a single  action (though

it may have side-effects in the space of concepts) or a single test (so  long as

its sole  side-effect -- modulo  caches -- is  to signal).  Primitive  tests and

actions should be maximally algorithmic.

The naive  view of designing  a production  rule system was  that of  defining a

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  20

machine.  Our present  view  is that  RSs do  not  &i[compute] so  much  as they

&i[guide attention].  In adopting  this view (thereby separating  the controller

from the effector), we recognize that we are giving up an attractive  feature of

pure rule systems:  a homogeneous basis for  definition.  For example,  the rule

system designer must now spell out in detail the definitions of the DS accessing

functions; but the naive RS designer  was simply able to take as  &i[givens] the

matching and inserting operations (as specified in naive priniciple #6, Fig. 1),

and he built any more complicated ones out of these primitives     .   In giving

up the old view of the RS as an abstract computing machine, the RS designer must

use another homogeneous substrate (e.g.,  LISP) in terms of which to  define his

DSs and especially the procedures that process them.

We have seen that admitting complicated and varied DSs leads to stylized sets of

DS accesses. The  DSs and their  sets of read/write  primitives must in  turn be

explicitly defined (coded) by the designer. This seems like a high price to pay.

Is there  any bright side  to this? Yes,  one rather interesting  possibility is

opened up. Not only the RS designer, but the RS &i[itself] may define DSs and DS

access functions.  In AM, this  might take the form of dynamically  defining new

kinds  of  facets.  E.g.,  after  "1-1  Function"  is  defined,  and  after some

properties of it  have been discovered, it  would be appropriate to  introduce a

new facet called "inverse" for  each (concept representing a) 1-1  function.  In

AM, the  actual definitions of  the facets of  every concept are  complex enough

   Either by stringing out a sequence of primitives on one side of a rule, or by
handcrafting a  tightly coupled  bundle of rules  (so firing  such a  rule would
simulate traversing one link of the kind that abound in AM's DSs).

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  21

(shared  structure),  inter-related  enough  (shared  meaning),  and interesting

enough (consistent heuristic worth) that a special concept was included for each

one  (e.g.,  a  concept   called  "Examples")  which  contained   a  definition,

description,... of  the facet.   Thus the same  techniques for  manipulating and

discovering  math concepts  operate  on DS  design  concepts. Not  only  do math

theories  emerge, so  can  new DS  access  functions (new  facets;  e.g., "Small

Boundary Examples").

It should be noted that in  opting for non-uniform DSs, we have  not necessarily

sacrificed efficiency. One need only to  compare the time to access a node  in a

tree, versus in a linear list, to appreciate this fact.

Just  how  tangled  up a  DS  should  we tolerate?   Should  memory  elements be

permitted to refer  to (to "know  about") each other?  We believe the  answer to

depend upon  the &i[type]  of data  structure involved.  For the  homogeneous DS

called for in the naive design, much simplicity is preserved by  forbidding this

kind of interrelationship. But consider a DS like AM's graph of concepts.  It is

growing,  analogically  interrelated,  and  it  contains  descriptions   of  its

elements. This richness  (and sheer quantity) of  information can be  coded only

inefficiently in  a uniform, non-self-referential  manner. For  another example,

consider AM's agenda of jobs. One  reason for a job may simply be  the existence

of some other job. In such a case, it seems natural for part of one entry on the

agenda (a  reason part  of one job)  to point  to another entry  in the  same DS

(point to  another specific  job on the  agenda).  Thus,  inter-element pointers

&i[are] allowed, even though they blur a "pure" distinction between a DS and its

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  22

entries.      They play  a necessary role in  organizing large bodies  of highly

interrelated information into structured modules.

There is yet another motivation for special-purpose DSs when the task of  the RS

includes  sensing an  external environment.   Using a  uniform  memory, external

stimuli are dumped into the working memory and rub shoulders with all  the other

data.  They  must then  be distinguished  from the  others.  ("Must"  because to

freely intermingle what one sees or is told with what one thinks or remembers is

to give way to endless confusion.) How much cleaner, less distracting, and safer

it is for  stimuli to arive in  their own special place  -- a place  which might

well be a special purpose store such as an intensity &i[array] (not even  a list

structure at all), or a low-level speech-segment memory.  A linear memory (e.g.,

an  infinite  STM)  is  of   course  adequate;  one  could  tag   each  incoming

environmental stimulus with  a special flag.  But  the design philosophy  we are

proposing  is aimed  at  maximizing clarity  and efficiency,  not  uniformity or


We know that this view of DSs means making a specialized design effort  for each

class of knowledge incorporated into the RS.  But that is desirable, as  it buys

us performance, ease of coding, and ease of learning.

4.2.  Rules

In the "pure" view of  RSs, the rule store is  not a full-fledged DS of  the RS.

   In section 4.3 we will mention work that blurs this distinction even further.

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  23

For  example,  in  Waterman's  [23] poker  player,  rules  may  not  be deleted.

Rychener [22] states that the only way his RS may inspect rules is  by examining

the  effect  of those  rules  which have  recently  fired.  Although  AM  had no

explicit taboo against  inspecting rules, such  analyses were in  practice never

possible, since the rules were  &i[ad hoc] blocks of LISP code.  This eventually

turned  out  to be  the  main limitation  of  the design  of  AM.   The ultimate

impediment to further discovery was the lack of rules which could  reason about,

modify,  delete, and  synthesize  other rules.  AM direly  needed  to synthesize

specialized forms of the given  general heuristic rules (as new  concepts arose;

see the end of 3.5.)

We  want  our  heuristic rules  to  be  added, kept  track  of,  reasoned about,

modified, deleted, generalized, specialized,...  whenever there is a good reason

to do so.   Note that those  situations may be very  different from the  ones in

which  such  a rule  might  fire.   E.g., upon  discovering  a  new, interesting

concept, AM should try to create some specially-tailored heuristic rules for it.

They  wouldn't  actually  &i[fire]  until  much  later,  when  their  lhs's were

triggered.   After  having constructed  such  rules, AM  might  subject  them to

improvement as it explores the new concept.

In sum, we have found that  the discovery of heuristic rules for using  new math

concepts is a necessary part of the growth of math knowledge.   Hence, following

the argument in 4.1, the rules themselves should be DSs, and each rule  might be

described by  a concept  with effective  (executable) and  non-effective (purely

descriptive) facets.  This lesson was  made all the more painful because  it was

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  24

not new [5].  Apparently  the need for reasoning  about rules is common  to many


The  current re-coding  of  AM does  in fact  have  each rule  represented  as a

concept. What kinds of non-effective "facets" do they have?  Recall that  one of

the features of the original AM (as described in Section 3.3) was that with each

rule were associated some  symbolic &i[reasons] which it could  provide whenever

it proposed a new job for the agenda. So one kind of facet which every  rule can

possess is "Reasons". What others are there?  Some of them &i[describe] the rule

(e.g., its average cost); some facets  provide a road map to the space  of rules

(e.g., which  rule schemata  are mere  specializations of  the given  one); some

facets record its derivation (e.g., the rule was proposed as an analog to rule X

because...), its redundancy, etc.

There are  some far-reaching consequences  of our new  awareness of the  need to

reason about rules just  as if they were any  other concepts known to  AM.  When

one piece  of knowledge relates  to several rules,  then one general  concept, a

rule &i[schema], should exist to hold that common knowledge.  Since each rule is

a  concept,  there  will  be  a  natural  urge  to  exploit  the  same Genl/Spec

organization that proved so  useful before. Heritability still holds;  e.g., any

reason  which explains  rule R  is also  somehow a  partial explanation  of each

specialization  of R.  Rule schemata  have cause  to exist  simply  because they

generalize  --  and hold  much  information  which would  otherwise  have  to be

duplicated in  -- several specific  rules. They  may tend to  be "big"  and less

directly  productive when  executed,  yet they  are  of value  in  capturing the

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  25

essence of the discovery techniques.       We put "big" in quotes  because sheer

length (total number of lhs tests  allowed, total number of rhs actions)  is not

directly what we're talking about here. A general rule schema will  capture many

regularities, will express  an idea common to  several more specific  rules.  It

will  contain dual  forms of  the same  rule, sophisticated  types  of variable-

binding (for the  duration of the rule  application), and searching may  even be

required  to find  the actions  of  such a  general rule.  We may  even  wish to

consider every rule in the RS as a rule schema of some level of  generality, and

much processing may go on to find the particular instance(s) of it  which should

be applied in any particular situation.

One use of  a rule schema might  be to &i[name] a  collection of rules  that are

coupled  by together  fulfilling a  single function.   Consider a  collection of

rules which  is tightly  coupled, say  to perform  an iteration.  Much knowledge

about  an  iteration  loop as  a  whole  may exist.  Where  is  such descriptive

information  to be  stored and  sought?  There must  be at  least  one rule-like

concept which  "knows about" the  iteration as one  coherent unit.   We conclude

that even  if two  such intertwined  rules are  kept separate,  a third  rule (a

schema) should exist which (at least implicitly) has a rhs which  combines them.

Thus rule schemata  do more than just  unify general properties of  rules; there

must also be schemata of the kind that relate function to mechanism.

   In  AM, even the  specific rules may  be "big" in  the sense that  their very
precise knowledge may involve much  testing to trigger and, once  triggered, may
conclude some elaborate results.

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  26

Another problem crops up if we consider what happens if one of the coupled rules

is  modified.  Often,  some  corresponding change  should  be  made  in  all its

companions. For  example, if a  term is generalized  (replacement of  "prime" by

"number" everywhere) then the same  substitution had probably better be  done in

each rule  which this one  is supposed to  couple with.  What  we are  saying is

that, for RSs which  modify their own rules, it  can be dangerous to split  up a

single conceptual process into a bunch  of rules which interact in more  or less

fixed ways when  run, without continuing to  reason about them as  an integrity,

&i[like any other algorithm] composed of parts.  Here again, we find pressure to

treat RSs as algorithms, not vice-versa.

Finally,  let us  make a  few irresistable  observations.  The  whole  notion of

coupling via meaningless tokens is aesthetically repugnant and quite contrary to

"pure" production system spirit. At the least, when a coupled rule deposits some

"intermediate-state"  message  in  a  DS, one  would  like  that  message  to be

meaningful to many rules in the system, to have some significance itself. We can

see that entries in a DS  have an expected meaning to the read  access functions

that  examine the  DS.       If this  purity  is maintained,  then  any apparent

"coupling" would be merely superficial:  each rule could stand alone as  a whole

domain-dependent  heuristic. Thus  no harm  should come  from changing  a single

rule, and more rules  could be added that  act on the "intermediate  message" of

the coupling.  Such meaningful, dynamic couplings should be encouraged. Only the

meaningless, tight couplings are criticized.

   Perhaps this "meaning" could even be expressed formally as an invariant which
the write access functions for the DS must never violate.

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  27

4.3.  Distribution of Knowledge Between Rules and DS

A common "pure" idea is that all knowledge of substance ought to  be represented

as  rules.   Independent  of  such  rules,  the  DS  forms  no  meaningful whole

initially,  nor has  it  any final  interpretation.  The "answer"  which  the RS

computes is not stored in the DS; rather, the answer consists in the  process of

rule  firings.       The  DS  is  "just"  an  intermediate  vehicle  of  control


Contrary to this, we say that rules ought to have a &i[  symbiotic] relationship

to DSs.  The DSs hold meaningful domain-dependent information, and rules process

knowledge represented in them.  For RSs designed to perform scientific research,

the DSs contain the theory, and the rules contain methods of theory formation.

But much  domain-dependent knowledge is  contingent (conditional).  E.g.,  "If n

and m divide x, then so must nm". Shouldn't such If/Then information  be encoded

as rules? We answer an emphatic &i[No].  Just as there is a distribution of "all

knowledge  of substance"  between  rules and  DSs,  so too  must  the contingent

information be  partitioned between  them.  We  shall illustrate  two particular

issues: (i) Much contingent knowledge can be stored implicitly in DSs; (ii) Some

conditional knowledge is inappropriate to store as rules.

When designing a  DS, it is  possible to provide  mechanisms for holding  a vast

amount of information &i[implicitly].  In AM, e.g., the organization of concepts

    The sequence  of actions  in time.  In addition,  perhaps, the  "answer" may
involve a few of their side-effects. E.g., (Respond `YES').

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  28

into a Genl/Spec hierarchy  (plus the assumed heritability properties;  see 3.4)

permits a rule  to ask for  "all concepts more general  than Primes" as  if that

were  a  piece  of  data  explicitly  stored  in  a  DS.  In  fact,  only direct

generalizations  are  stored  ("The  immediate  generalizations  of   Primes  is

Numbers"), and a  "rippling" mechanism automatically runs  up the Genl  links to

assemble  a complete  answer. Thus  the number  of specific  answers the  DS can

provide is  far greater than  the number  of individual items  in the  DS. True,

these DS mechansims will use up  extra time in processing to obtain  the answer;

but notice that any particular request is very unlikely to be made. Just as each

rule knows about a general situation, of which it will only see a few instances,

that  same quality  (a wide  potential applicability)  is just  as  valuable for

knowledge in DSs.  These  are situations where, like Dijkstra's  multiplier [8],

the mechanism must provide any  of the consequences of its knowledge  quickly on

demand, but in its lifetime will only be asked a few of them.

Now that we have seen how contingent knowledge &i[can] be encoded into  DSs, let

us see some cases where it &i[should] be -- i.e., where it is not  approprate to

encode it as rules of the system.  Many things get called implication,  and only

some of  them correspond to  rule application.  For  instance, there  is logical

entailment (e.g., if A and B then A), physical causation (e.g., if itrains, then

the ground will get wet),  probable associations (e.g., if it is  wet underfoot,

then it has probably been raining.) These all describe the way the world is, not

the way the perceiver of the world behaves.  Contrast them with knowledge of the

form "If it is raining, then open the umbrella".  We claim that the  latter kind

of situation-action  relationships should be  encoded as rules  for the  RS, but

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  29

that the other  types of implication should  be stored declaratively  within the

DS. Let's try to justify this distinction.

The situation-action rules indicate how to behave in the world; the  other types

of implication  merely indicate  expected relationships  within the  world.  The

rules of a RS are meant to encode potential procedural actions which  are obeyed

by the  system, while the  DSs encode  the way the  world (the  RSs environment)

behaves in terms of some model  of it.  The essential thing to consider  is what

relations we want to obtain &i[in time]; these are the things we should  cast as

rules.  The lhs of  a rule measures some  aspect of knowledge presently  in DSs,

while the rhs  of the rule  defines the attention of  the system (regarded  as a

processor feeding off of the DS) in the immediate future.  This is the  heart of

why rule-sets are algorithms.   They are algorithms for guiding  the application

of  other (DS  processing)  algorithms.  It  also  explains why  other  kinds of

implications are unsuitable to  be rules. Consider causal  implication ("Raining

--> Wet").  While the  lhs could be a rule's  lhs (it measures an aspect  of any

situation), the  rhs should &i[not]  be a  rule's rhs (it  does not  indicate an

appropriate action for the system to take).  Most purist production systems have

(often implicitly!) a rule  of the form "If the  left side of an  implication is

true in  the database, Then  assert the right  side". This is  only one  kind of

rule, of course, capable of  dealing with implications.  For example,  MYCIN and

LT [17] (implicitly) follow a very different rule: "If the rhs of an implication

will satisfy  my goal, Then  the lhs of  the implication is  now the  new goal".

Other rules  are possible.  The point  is that  the implications  themselves are

declarative knowledge, not rules.  In summary, then, it may be very important to

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  30

distinguish rules (attention guides) from mere implications (access guides), and

to  store the  latter within  the DSs.   This policy  was not  motivated  by the

scientific inference task for our RS. We believe it to be a worthwhile guideline

in the design of &i[any] RS.

4.4.  Interpreter

After a rule fires, the naive interpretation policy (#9 in Fig. 1)  demands that

&i[any] rule in  the system can  potentially be the  next one selected  to fire.

This  is true  regardless  of the  speed-up  techniques used  in  any particular

inplementation (say, by preprocessing the lhs's into a discrimination net [22]).

But consider RSs for scientific discovery  tasks. Their task -- both at  the top

level and  frequently at lower  levels -- is  quite open-ended. If  twenty rules

trigger as relevant  to such an  open-ended activity (e.g.,  gathering empirical

data, inducing conjectures, etc.)  then there is much motivation  for continuing

to  execute just  these  twenty rules  for a  while.   They form  an  &i[ad hoc]

plausible search algorithm for the agenda item selected.

A RS for discovery might reasonably be given a complex  interpreter (rule-firing

policy). AM,  for example,  experimented with a  two-pass interpreter:  first, a

best-first, agenda-driven resource allocator and attention focusser  selects the

job it  finds most  interesting; second, it  locates the  set of  relevant rules

(usually about 35) for the job, and begins executing them one after  another (in

best-first order of specificity) until the resources allocated in the first step

run out [20].  The  overall rating of the  job which these rules  should satisfy

determines the amount of cpu time and list cells that may be used up  before the

rules are interrupted and job is abandoned.

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  31

For example, say the job were  "Find examples of Primes".  It's allotted  35 cpu

seconds and 300 list  cells, due to its  overall priority rating just  before it

was plucked from the agenda.  23 rules are relevant. The first one quickly finds

that "2" and "3" are primes. Should the job halt right then? No, not if the real

reason for  this job  is to  gather as much  data as  possible, data  from which

conjectures will be  suggested and tested.  In that case,  many of the  other 23

rules  should  be fired  as  well.  They will  produce  not  only &i[additional]

examples, but perhaps other &i[types] of examples.

The  jobs on  AM's  agenda are  really  just mini-research  questions  which are

plausible to  spend time investigating.  Although phrased as  specific requests,

each one is really a research proposal, a topic to concentrate upon. We found it

necessary  to deviate  from the  simplest uniform  interpreter for  clarity (for

instance, a human can understand  each state of the first-pass  standing alone,)

for efficiency (knowing that all 35 are relevant, there is no need to  find them

35 times,) and for power (applying qualitatively different kinds of rules yields

various types of examples.) We  claim this quality of open-endedness  will recur

in any RS whose task  is free concept exploration. This includes  all scientific

discovery but not all scientific inference.

5.  Speculations for a New Discovery System

The spirit  of this  paper has been  to give  up straightforward  simplicity for

clarity,  efficiency,  and  power.  Several examples  have  been  cited,  but we

speculate that there are further tradeoffs of this kind which are  applicable to

RSs that make discoveries.

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  32

Often, there are several  possible ways the designer  may view the task  of (and

subtasks of) the intended RS. We wish  to add the notion of "proof" to  AM, say.

Should we represent proof as a resolution search, as a process of  criticism and

improvement  [11]  spiralling  toward   a  solution,  as  a   natural  deduction

cascade,...? Although any one of these task-views might perform  respectably, we

advocate the  incorporation of all  of them, despite  the concommitant  costs of

added  processing time,  space,  and interfacing.   In  fact, we  wish  never to

exclude the possibility of the system acquiring another task-view.

We look for the  development of further discovery  tools in the form  of domain-

independent meta-heuristics that synthesize heuristic rules, and in the  form of

terribly  abstract  heuristic  schemata  that  specialize  into newly-discovered

domains.   These  discovery  tools  are  all  part  of  "getting  familiar" with

shallowly understood concepts,  such as synthesized  ones tend to  be initially.

It  may even  be  that symbolic  analogy  techniques exist,  cutting  across the

traditional boundaries of knowledge domains.

We contemplate  a system  that keeps  track of  (and has  methods with  which it

attempts to improve) the design of  its own DSs, its own control  structure, and

perhaps even its own design constraints.  Although working in (a  collection of)

specific domains, this would be a general &i[symbol system  discoverer], capable

of picking up and exploring formulations, testing them and improving them.

5.1.  A New Set of Design Constraints

Below are  12 principles for  designing a  RS whose task  is that  of scientific

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  33

exploration. They are the result of reconsidering the original  principles (Fig.

1) in the light shed by work on AM.  Most of the "pure" principles  we mentioned

in Fig. 1 are changed, and a few new ones have emerged.

                 FIGURE 3: Scientific Research RS Architecture

       [1. ]Principle of Several Appropriate Memories.  For each  type of
         knowledge which must be dealt  with in its own way, a  separate DS
         should  be maintained.  The precise  nature of  each DS  should be
         chosen  so as  to  facilitate the  access  (read/write) operations
         which will be most commonly requested of it.

       [2. ]Principle of  Maximal DS Accesses.   The set of  primitive DS
         access operations  (i.e., the  read tests which  a rule's  lhs may
         perform,  and the  write actions  which a  rhs may  call  for) are
         chosen to include  the largest packages (clusters,  chunks,...) of
         activity  which are  commonly needed  and which  can  be performed
         efficiently on the DS.

       [3. ]Principle  of Facetted  DS Elements.   For  ever-growing data
         structures,  there  is  much  to  be  gained  and  little  lost by
         permitting parts of one DS item to point to other DS items.

       [4. ]Principle of Rules as  Data.  The view which the  RS designer
         takes of the system's task may require that some rules  be capable
         of reasoning about the rules in the RS (adding new  ones, deleting
         old ones, keeping track of rules' performance,  modifying existing
         rules,...).  Some  of  the  methods  the  RS  uses  to  deal  with
         scientific knowledge  may be applicable  to dealing with  rules as
         well.  In such  cases, the  system's rules  may thus  be naturally
         represented  as new  entries in  the existing  DS which  holds the
         scientific theory.

       [5. ]Principle of  Regular Rules.   Each rule  is actually  a rule
         &u[schema].  Sophisticated  processing  may  be  needed   both  to
         determine which instance(s) are  relevant and to find  the precise
         sequence of actions to be executed. Such schemata are  often quite

       [6. ]Principle of  Avoiding Meaninglessly-Coupled  Rules.  Passing
         special-purpose loop control notes  back and forth is  contrary to
         both the spirit  of pure RSs and  to efficiency.  If rules  are to
         behave as  coupled, the  least we  demand is  that the  notes they
         write and read for each other be meaningful entries in DS (several
         other rules  can interpret  the same note,  and other  rules might
         have written it).

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  34

       [7. ]Principle of  Controlled Environment. For  many tasks,  it is
         detrimental to  permit external stimuli  (from an  environment) to
         enter any DS at  random.  At the least,  the RS should be  able to
         distinguish  these  alien  inputs  from   internally-generated  DS

       [8. ]Principle of Contingent Knowledge.  In designing the DS, much
         knowledge may be stored  &u[implicitly]; e.g., by where  facts are
         placed  in an  analogical  (e.g., hierarchical)  network.   The DS
         should be  designed so  as to maximize  this kind  of concentrated
         information  storage.   Hence, hard-working  access  functions are
         needed to encode and decode the full meaning of DSs.

       [9. ]Principle of Rules as Attention Guides.  Knowledge  should be
         encoded as rules when  it is intended to  serve as a guide  of the
         system's  attention;  to  direct  its  behavior.   Other  kinds of
         information,  even  if  stated  in  conditional  form,  should  be
         relegated to  DSs (either explicitly  as entries, or  implictly as
         special access functions).

       [10. ]Principle  of   Inertial  Interpretation.   In   tasks  like
         scientific  research,  where  relevant  rules  will  be performing
         inherently  open-ended  activities  (e.g.,  data-gathering),  such
         rules should be  allowed to continue for  a while even  after they
         have nominally carried out the activity (e.g., gathered  one piece
         of data).  In such cases, the occasional wasted time and  space is
         more than compensated for by the frequent acquisition  of valuable

       [11. ]Principle of  Openness.  A  rule system  can be  enriched by
         incorporating  into its  design several  independent views  of the
         knowledge it handles.

       [12. ]Principle   of   Support  of   Discovery   by   Design.   By
         representing its  own design  explicitly, the  RS could  study and
         improve those concepts,  thereby improving itself.   This includes
         the DS design     , the access function algorithms, how  to couple
         them, the function of various rules, the interpretation  policy of
         the RS, etc.

Rule systems whose designs adhere to these guidelines will be large  and impure.

   i.e., the facet specifications. If the input/output requirements  change with
time, so should the rule system's data structures.

Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  35

We  have  mentioned thoughout  the  paper several  new  complications  which the

principles introduce.  Trying to produce  such a RS for which a  pure production

rule  system was  appropriate will  probably result  in  disaster. Nevertheless,

empirical evidence suggests that RSs having this architecture are  quite natural

-- and relatively tractable to contruct -- for open-ended tasks  like scientific



This research builds upon Lenat's  Ph.D.  thesis at Stanford University,  and he
wishes  to deeply  thank  his advisers  and committee  members:  Bruce Buchanan,
Edward Feigenbaum, Cordell Green, Donald Knuth, and Allen Newell.   In addition,
he gladly  acknowledges the ideas  he received in  discussions with  Dan Bobrow,
Avra Cohn, and Randy Davis.  Similarly, ideas received by Harris in two long and
fruitful  associations,  with  John  Seely Brown  and  with  Roger  Schank, have
contributed to this work.  Many of our ideas have evolved through discussions at
CMU this past year, notably with Don Cohen, John McDermott,  Kamesh Ramakrishna,
Paul Rosenbloom, James Saxe, and especially Herbert Simon.


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Lenat & Harris                                                            p.  36

[6]   Davis,   Randall,  &i[Applications   of  Meta   Level  Knowledge   to  the
      Construction, Maintenance,  and Use of  Large Knowledge Bases],  SAIL AIM-
      271, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, Stanford University, July, 1976.
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[11]   Lakatos, Imre, &i[Proofs and Refutations], Cambridge U. Press, 1976.
[12]   Lenat,  D.,  &i[BEINGs:  Knowledge as  Interacting  Experts],  4th IJCAI,
      Tbilisi, Georgian SSR, USSR, 1975.
[13]   Lenat, D.,  &i[AM: An  Artificial Intelligence  Approach to  Discovery in
      Mathematics as  Heuristic Search],  SAIL AIM-286,  Artificial Intelligence
      Laboratory, Stanford University,  July, 1976.  Jointly issued  as Computer
      Science Dept. Report No. STAN-CS-76-570.
[14]   McCracken, Don, &i[A  Parallel Production System Architecture  for Speech
      Understanding], CMU CS Dept. Ph.D. Thesis, 1977.
[15]   Minsky, Marvin,  "A Framework for  Representing Knowledge",  in (Winston,
      P., ed.), &i[The Psychology  of Computer Vision], McGraw Hill,  N.Y. 1975,
      pp. 211-277.
[16]   Moran,   T.P.,   &i[The  symbolic   imagery   hypothesis:   An  empirical
      investigation via a  production system simulation  of human behavior  in a
      visualization task], CMU CS Dept. Thesis, 1973.  See also 3IJCAI, pp. 472-
[17]   Newell, Allen, J.  Shaw, and H.  Simon, &i[Empirical Explorations  of the
      Logic Theory Machine:  A Case Study in  Heuristics], RAND Corp.  Report P-
      951, March, 1957.
[18]   Newell, Allen, and  Simon, Herbert, &i[Human Problem  Solving], Prentice-
      Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1972.
[19]   Newell, A.,  &i[Production Systems: Models  of Control  Structures], May,
      1973  CMU  Report,  also   published  in  (W.G.   Chase,   ed.)  &i[Visual
      Information Processing], NY: Academic Press, Chapter 10, pp.  463-526.
[20]   Norman,  D.,  and  D.  Bobrow,  &i[On  Data-limited  and Resource-limited
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[23]   Shortliffe, E. H., &i[MYCIN -- A rule-based computer program for advising
      physicians regarding  antimicrobial therapy  selection], Stanford  AI Memo
      251, October, 1974.
[24]   Waterman, D. A., &i[Adaptive Production Systems], CIP Working  Paper 285,
      CMU Psychology Dept., 1974. See also 4IJCAI, pp. 296-303.